Intentional work uncovers who you are, beautifully.

D.Lisa comes prepared to every conversation ready to inspire and support you. Her courses are guided through heartfelt processes to provide you with high-impact solutions that deeply resonate.

The D.Lisa West Course Suite

The Vision Workshop

Shattered your fears and get your sparkle back. Learn how to create a fulfilling life that you love living.

Meditation Masterclass

 Ponder the difference between meditation and mindfulness. There is no wrong way to meditate, come find your way.

Doodle Like An Artist

Learn how the practice of drawing can be a meditation. Doodling can reduce stress and improve memory — and it’s fun! 

Dream Workshop

A deep dive into the mystery of dreamland where we talk about recurring dreams, liminal and lucid dreaming, and more.

”I just love to hear your mellow tones and devilish humor.”

– A beautiful student with beautiful words


Ready to breathe in joy, self-worth, and confidence in your life?